Welcome to the Good News About Retirement!

When thinking about your financial future, you most likely fall into one of two categories:

1)  Limited options because of minimal savings

2)  Adequate savings with concerns about outliving your money

Which one describes you?

If you know you haven’t saved enough, rest assured you are not alone. Even though Americans say they will need $1.5 million for a comfortable retirement, average savings are a paltry $88,500.

Afraid you will outlive your money? You are joined by more than two-thirds of U.S. adults who recent studies show have a greater fear of running out of money than of dying!

Has 70 become the new 65?

Financial experts are advising the best solution for both of these situations is to simply keep working and saving until — well, maybe until forever.

But if you are 50 or older with inadequate savings, following that advice is not the answer. Why?

Do the math. Even saving the maximum possible for the remainder of your working life isn’t going to get you anywhere near $1.5 million, is it?

Bottom line... It’s too late. There simply isn't enough time.

Besides, health problems may cause you to leave the workforce earlier than planned. Or, if you’re not self-employed, you could very well find yourself unexpectedly downsized despite your desire to continue working.

Is that what you signed up for?

You entered the workforce in your early 20s. Maybe even in your teens. Back then did you declare,

“My plan is to work as long as I possibly can.

I want to work until I’m too old, too tired, and maybe too sick to enjoy the few years I have left.”

Of course you didn’t. Nobody did. You expected to work hard for 40 to 45 years, then be able to relax and enjoy the comfortable retirement you deserve.


Finally, some Good News!

The plain and simple truth is, these days if you dream of a future filled with true joy and freedom and don’t want to work the rest of your life, you’ve gotta think outside the box.

Let us tell you about a different retirement option. We call it ~

The Retirement Trifecta

What if you could:

1)  Lower your cost of living

2)  Raise your standard of living

3)  Preserve or even grow your nest egg

Is that something you would be interested in? The good news is all of that, and more, is possible for you. In fact, it’s totally doable. How do we know? 

Because we’ve done it!

In 2008 our backs were against the wall and we were desperate. The Great Recession destroyed our careers, and we had been living off of dwindling savings for months. Something had to give.

We realized the only way to rescue our retirement was to move someplace with a lower cost of living. Where we could afford to live with the money we had.

Our outside-the-box solution?

Move Abroad!

Turns out it was one of the best decisions we’ve ever made.

In 2010 we moved to Cuenca, Ecuador, and ever since have enjoyed a blessed life beyond our wildest dreams.

Those financial nightmares are a thing of the past.

We live in a beautiful penthouse apartment in one of the city's best neighborhoods. Our lifestyle includes a housekeeper, yoga studio and gym memberships, spa treatments, fresh flowers, and eating out whenever we want.

Are you ready for the most amazing part of this story? We enjoy all of these luxuries on a budget of around $2,000 a month!

This leaves room in our Social Security income to actually add to our savings.

And to travel. We take several trips each year back to the States for family visits, and recently returned to Cuenca after globetrotting for more than two years!

Living abroad has taught us there is nothing else in this world you can possibly do that provides the relaxation, happiness, and financial freedom that we experience every single day. Not even close.

Think about it. How else in the world can you possibly win this Retirement Trifecta?

  • Drastically lowering your cost of living with no downsizing, or slashing your budget and lifestyle to the bone, and at the same time…

  • Upscaling your standard of living without spending an extra penny…

  • All the while preserving or even growing your nest egg.

Achieving all three of these simultaneously seems impossible, right? Our many years as expats prove otherwise.

What about you?

Moving abroad is a great option for anyone with limited savings who refuses to give up on the comfortable retirement they've dreamed about, worked hard for, and deserve.

Worried about running out of money? With your lower budget you can add to your nest egg every month instead of reducing it. Without lifestyle compromises.

Maybe you have ample savings and are looking to enjoy retirement to the max. Good for you! Knowing our lifestyle on a modest budget, now you’ve discovered how you can "live large" without breaking the bank.

Are you open to considering this outside-the-box option? We invite you to explore all the reports and resources here on our website. Reach out to us with any questions. 

When you are ready to take the next step, check out our Retirement Reimagined! online course. It could be the answer you have been looking for.

Our lives have been forever changed by moving abroad. We are ready to help you change yours.

Moving abroad could be a great option for you too!

To learn more get our EXCLUSIVE REPORT: "10 Great Reasons to Live Abroad!"


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